Voting Members
In Attendance:
Mr. Ricardo Favela, Board Clerk
Ms. Suzanne Lundin, Board Member
Ms. Mary McBride, Board Vice President
Dr. Stacey McRae, Board President
Ms. Diane Sebalj, Board Member
1. Meeting Called to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Stacey McRae at 9.02am.
2. Flag Salute
The flag salute was led by Dr. Stacey McRae
3. Hearing Session
There were no requests from the public to speak.
1. Governance Workshop
Mr. Bob Caine, California School Boards Association (CSBA) Consultant, facilitated the Governance Workshop for the members of the Governing Board and the Superintendent of Schools.
2. Adjourn into Closed Session
The members of the Governing Board adjourned into closed session at 2.03pm.
3. Closed Session
a. Public Employment Performance Evaluation (Government Code Section 54957(b)(i) Title: Superintendent
4. Return from Closed Session and reconvene into Open Session
The members of the Governing Board returned from closed session and reconvened into open session at 3.12pm.
5. Public Report of Action Taken in Closed Session
There was no action taken during closed session.
1. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 3.15pm.